Friday, February 5, 2021

Time Marches On and the Old Airport Arboretum

    In a week I will check a new box, the one that says 70 to 75. In the State of Hawaii, that and 25 cents will NOT get you a cup of coffee (Kona or otherwise) or a Covid vaccination. Out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean we are seriously under supplied and, as we a frequently told, every state is different.

I'm just glad that a few of you out there in blog land have received your vaccine. 

    While bemoaning the slim chances that I will join the vaccinatti in the near future I composed the following lyrics.  Before proceeding, you might enjoy this video in which the Irish Rovers sing Whiskey in the Jar, the obvious mold upon which my virus infused ballad is set.

There's Covid in the Jar  

As I was goin’ up over Cork and Kerry Mountain

I came on Captain Farrell and his vaccines he was countin’.

Well first I pulled my pistol and then I produced my rapier.

I said” “Stand and deliver for I ate a bat for dinner.”

With a ring ding danby dar.

Whack-o the daddy-o, whack-o the daddy-o, There’s Covid in the jar.

Well I gathered up his vials and it was a dozen doses,

I took them home to Jenny ‘cause she had a zoonosis.

She should not have gone to China and had pangolin for dinner.

And that monkey spleen tartar was surely not a winner

With a ring ding danby dar.

Whack-o the daddy-o, whack-o the daddy-o, There’s Covid in the jar.

Well I gave my love a shot and she started feelin’ better.

Her lips went from blue to pink and she doffed her woolen sweater.

But I was feelin’ woozy, so I went upstairs to slumber

Then Jenny sold my syringes, though they was a pretty number.

With a ring ding danby dar.

Whack-o the daddy-o, whack-o the daddy-o, There’s Covid in the jar

Now I’m in the ICU and I’m feelin’ mighty ill.

They say I caught the variant that started in Brazil.

I’d like to see my brother, though that might happen later.

But I don’t think that I’ll be able if I’m on the ventilator.

With a ring ding danby dar.

Whack-o the daddy-o, whack-o the daddy-o, There’s Covid in the jar

Coral Blenny Female, Kahalu'u February 2021

(Whisper)   There’s covid in the jar


Hopefully you paid careful attention to the video so you could rip off the four quick claps before the 



This week was one of storms, replete with wind and rain. We only went snorkeling once and it was

 disappointing. The only picture worth a hoot is this one of a female coral blenny. I can recall a couple

 years ago sitting in the living room of Martin and Gail DeLuke, two of our faithful readers. The DeLukes 

were regaling us with pictures of the fish they had taken in Kona and in the process threw up one of 

a female coral blenny. The fish was positioned in such a way that it utterly defeated me. Sandbagged!

 Hopefully you can make heads or tails out of this humble effort. In any event, Gail, this one is for you.



Maybe a Prickly Pear blooming in Runway Park

Just today we were supposed to go snorkeling with the Jon and Susan Menton's up in Kawaihae. 

The Menton's are Reef Teachers at Kahal'u and this was to be our first outing together. Yesterday there

 were flash floods in Kohala, a brown water alert was issued, and so our nudibranching has been

 rescheduled for Monday.


Instead, Sandra and I took a walk on my beloved's new favorite path, the arboretum / walking trail / cat

 sanctuary hard by the runway at the Old Airport. Early in our walk we discovered a charming cactus

 garden at the south end. Best of all, several of the cacti were in bloom.  Aside from Candelabra Cactus

 and Prickly Pear (maybe) we found one small cactus that seemed to be growing a giant tomatillo from

 amid its spikes.


We took pictures of the flowering succulents and moved on. This really is a wonderful place to take

 a walk, both for exercise and also to view what in my experience is a Kona curiosity on steroids. 

 This .7 mile loop contains an arboretum cared for by the community and, at the north end, a large 

shaded grassy area with a few benches. Here you find Cat Ladies in all their glory. The ladies bring 

small carts filled with everything a feline could want. Although these are feral cats, they have been

 re-domesticated to the extent that they crawl over the ladies, allowing themselves to be petted and, 

of course, named. On a previous visit we watched one of the older ladies grooming Spot. This

morning, we chatted with a younger, but no less avid, cat lady who was playing with Skipper. You'd play

too if someone had just fed you a can of Chicken of the Sea!  

A Strange Fruit Growing in this Cactus

everything a feline could want. Although these are feral cats, they have been re-domesticated to the 

extent that they crawl over the ladies, allowing themselves to be petted and, of course, named. On a 

previous visit we watched one of the older ladies grooming Spot. This morning, we chatted with a

 younger, but no less avid, cat lady who was playing with Skipper. You'd play too if someone had just 

fed you a can of Chicken of the Sea!  


All this may seem harmless, if a tiny bit eccentric. However the Runway Park boasts not just cats 

but a fine tribe of mongeese. Mongooses are legion on Hawaii Island. They were introduced originally 

to catch rats, who were introduced by the Hawaiians to attract Alaskan Spottted Owls, our much 

beloved Pueo. Well, maybe the Polynesians didn't know why they were introducing the rats. But the

idea that the mongooses are putting even a tiny dent in the rat population is equally far fetched. And 

why should they when they can eat cat food? On our previous visit the lady feeding Spot allowed that 

she had a loyal family of 25 cats and 22 mongeese, I swear, as we watched the mongeese were 

crawling on her. 


At this point it is good to point out that there is no rabies on this island.


On our walk a few days ago, I noted the Super Bowl was coming up and in the spirit of American-

Is it Tom Brady deflating the balls?  photo by SKG

style competition, I pitted the Cats against the Marmots (see the big Lebowski for a complete

 explanation). As we walked the loop the Marmots took an early lead, It was 19 to 7 as we approached

 the meadow. Three cat ladies were holding court and by the time we were on the home stretch it was 

 32 to 25 in favor of the felines. By the time we made it to the car, the Cats had held on for a narrow win,

 34 to 32, We didn't count the Tom, who was sitting in the car park grooming himself. He was clearly 

out of play. And I didn't say licking his...whoops, that was a close one.


Well, you be the judge... Does Tom Brady look more like a Cat or a Marmot? Enjoy the Superbowl 

but be careful if your mother offers tuna dip at halftime.






Candelabra Cactus blooming at the Old Airport

Editors note: Tom Brady achieved a modicum of infamy by ordering the deflating of the footballs

 before the 2014 AFC Championship Game versus Indianapolis. As far as we know he has no

 urological experience.



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