Whitemouth Moray, Kahalu'u March 2025 |
Yesterday the winter swell all but disappeared. Just like that it was time to venture to Kahalu'u for some well-deserved fish watching. We arrived at 9 AM. From the road the bay looked flat as a protected pond. What could be better?
A few other fish watchers had noticed the improved conditions and so even at this early hour there were a few other people in the shelter getting ready to swim. As I was making my final adjustments I overheard a youngish (for an old goat, that means the early 40s) Reef Teacher stating to a novice that the day before she had seen over 100 species. Suffice it to say that in the words of Country Joe and the Fish, my nose went up like an infield fly. And I gave her a more discerning look. She was thin, wearing a wet suit in spite of the fact that she was clearly not going swimming anytime soon, and had a look about her that warned of an attitude. So I muttered, "Really!" under my breath and headed to the water.
Christmas Tree Worms, Kahalu'u 2025 |
At this hour it was a very low tide and I had to boost myself over the rocks in the channel where it was only a few inches deep. But I made it and I was soon swimming in cool water virtually free of current. As I made it out to the coral, I saw a Whitemouth Moray sticking his neck out of a small hole in a coral. This has been a season of few eels, so getting a look at this pedestrian species was a bit of a treat. He tried to scare me off by bearing his fangs and then slunk back into his crevice with a look that said, "Can't you just wander off and leave me in peace?"
I then swam over near the breakwater, admiring some pretty nice Evermann's coral. Back in the day this species was a mainstay here in Kona, and it was heartening to see some healthy specimens. One patch was home to handsome Christmas Tree worms. It's one thing to take a picture of an eel, a relatively large animal, but quite another to get a quality photograph of something small. Until this day we had not had a truly currentless day at Kahalu'u, or anywhere else.
Calcinus latens bids you a Happy Easter. Good luck finding eggs! |
Determined to take advantage, we got this nice shot of the Christmas Tree worms. Like the moray, these worms should not be terribly unusual, but the times they are a changing and it requires some healthy coral to support this species,
Nearby there was a small fireworm out on patrol. I got his picture, too. And as I did, I said to myself, "maybe this will be be a day for invertebrates." And a day well overdue, at that. As I made my way back towards the middle, I saw a larger fireworm. Hanging on to the coral by his incendiary tail, he was waving his head in the water like a traffic cop directing me onward.
Making the turn up the middle I encountered a small hermit crab that was just itching to have his picture taken. One cannot say too much in favor of clear, still water when it come s to getting a good shot of very small things. Or, it's almost impossible to hold a camera still when you're getting sloshed around.
Haig's Hermit Crab. Kahalu'u 2025 |
So here we see a nice picture of Calcinus latens, the Hidden Hermit Crab. This guy was about an inch long and one has to give a lot of credit to the Olympus TG5 for getting the tiny critter in focus. The crab was actually holding on sideways to the coral, but my lovely editor insisted that if we rotated the picture 90 degrees to the right it would make a better Christmas card. I leave it up to Cousin Don to put a Santa hat on this guy. To be liturgically correct, I suppose it should be an Easter card, but who ever heard of crucifying a hermit crab? I suppose I could have caught him and put him in a Faberge Egg. But, it being the season, all my Faberge Eggs are Lent.
Further up the middle I saw another hermit, even smaller than the one before. As I was free to make fine manipulations, not being sloshed hither and yon, I was able to nab him and place his shell aperture up on the coral. This maneuver gives the photographer an extra few seconds as the crab emerges (hopefully) and proceeds to do whatever it is that hermits do.
Will the last Achilles Tang in Kona please turn out the lights? |
If it was Peter the Hermit, he would rouse the rabble, start a crusade and sack some convenient outpost full of obnoxious rich people. In this case, I would vote for Mar a Lago.
But this wasn't Peter the Hermit. Nooo! Look at those purple legs (Go Huskies). This was Haig's Hermit Crab. Unless my memory fails, which in my dotage is always a possibility, I have seen this handsome fellow at K Bay at least one time before. Our first encounter with this species was on the wave swept rocks in front of Kona Shores, quite a different habitat from this peaceful bay.
Although I continued to search assiduously, this was to be the last worthy invertebrate of the day. But fear not, there were a few fishies that demand your attention.
Stareye Parrot at the Cleaner Wrasse Spa, Kahalu'u 2025 |
A ways on, I encountered an adolescent Achilles Tang. A few years ago, this would not have made the blog. But this iconic fish is now endangered to the extent that spear fishermen are supposedly prohibited from taking them. Enforcement for such infractions, in my experience is fairly loose here in the land of swaying palms and the Mai Tai, so I hope that the fishermen are following the rules. In numerous snorkels out on Paul Allen's Reef, which should be great habitat for this fish, I have not seen a single individual. And so, this handsome fellow captured on this pristine, calm day, makes the blog. At least there is one Achiles Tang left in Kona!
Heading towards the Rescue Kiosk, I wandered into a thriving patch of Evermann's Coral and spotted a cleaning station. As I arrived, an Orangespine Unicorn Tang was being serviced by a fine adult cleaner wrasse. He swam off and was replaced by, of all things, a Coronetfish. By this time, I had the camera out and who should swim in but a fine male Stareye Parrot. There is something about getting cleaned that sends some fish into total ecstasy. Just look at the way this big brute totally loses it and flops helplessly on his side while getting his parasites nibbled. One is disposed to say that for the parrotfish this is better than sex.
The Barred Spiny Puffer, Diodon Holocanthus, K Bay 2025 |
So who do I think I am, the Dr, Phil of ichthyology?
A short distance on, I ran across our friend from early in the season, the Diodon holocanthus, or barred spiny puffer. In the interim, I have re-booted the camera, so it is taking better pictures and, of course, the conditions were perfecto. So here you get a great look at an unusual puffer that is apparently being seen regularly in K Bay this winter.
My swim continued along the rocky shore beneath the Rescue Shelter. This is a good place for Christmas Wrasse and octopus, neither of which made an appearance. It's also a good place for Pearl Wrasse and there were two large females in attendance. This fish has moved up in the standings to the point where, despite its undeniable beauty, it is heading into dirt fish territory. You guys have seen plenty of Pearl Wrasse pictures.
On the 4th day of Lent my Tutu gave to me... |
Once upon a time I saw a Leaf Scorpionfish among those rocks, so I always give them a careful look, but on this day to no avail.
As I approached the two nautical orange buoys that the Reef Teachers hope will remind people not to walk on the bottom (might as well wish for a million dollars), I realized that I had some time remaining on the meter and so made another turn out into the bay. Out in the middle, I was rewarded with an intact coral now home to four Hawaiian Dascyllus.
We see these keikis in K Bay occasionally, but usually only one or two at a time. So this was a nice group and may be another indicator, along with the rejuvenating coral, that the water quality is improving. I took a slew of pictures of this group and none of them turned out all that nice. With small objects at a distance the camera has trouble deciding what to focus on.
The underated Ambon Toby, Kahalu'u 2025 |
I also took a movie, which shows the four little darlings swimming about. The movie is in focus, but Google says it is too big to transmit, and I am too incompetent to do anything about the size. I also have a movie of the Diodon holocanthus, which show the swimming fish to great advantage. Same problem, too big to transmit. C'est domage,
Perhaps the next time I see you I can show you the movies on my cell phone. Until then, you are stuck with the best of a poor lot, but with the happy knowledge that the baby dascyllus are alive and well.
As I made the turn for home I had one final treat in store. The Ambon Toby is a common fish; I see it virtually every time out on the reef. And, as you see here, it has a remarkable beauty when you can catch it to its best advantage. Luckily, I passed over a coral with a toby inside. The light was good, and the fish was relaxed. Using my flash to augment the iridescent blue face markings and flank spots, I captured the two pictures I'm leaving you with. My lovely young editor is especially enamored with the peek a boo look from behind the coral.
Peek a boo Toby |
As I made my exit, I found that the tide was coming in and the water was about an inch deeper that when I began my odyssey, and this made a big difference in the boosting and scraping.
Ashore, I was greeted by my tutu and the indefatigable Kathleen Clarke, Queen of the Reef Teachers. I was able to regale my audience with the Haig's Hermit Crab. Kathleen is very knowledgeable about what is seen in her little piece of heaven, but she was not familiar with Haig's, so that was a small triumph.
There was a lady of a certain age who joined our group. She commented that she had the same camera as I but hadn't used it in three years. She was impressed with the picture of the tiny Haig's hermit and asked how I did it. What do you say? First bring you camera into the water... or I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you. (Maverick in the first Top Gun movie.)
She was also interested in the D. holocanthus. which we had apparently seen together. At this point Kathleen chimed in to say that in addition to the one we saw, a smaller one is being seen occasionally in K Bay. Now that's good news.
It was time to take my shower and Kathleen walked with me. As we strolled, she revealed that on her surveys she usually sees around 44 species, with her record for the season being 65. So much for that over 100 species baloney!
Realizing where we were going, she pointed out that the showers were out of service. Curiously the showers at Kahalu'u went dry just as the ones at the pier resumed function. The foot washing station, with its three faucets, is still available and I joined the mob there to rinse my equipment. It occurs to me that if one were so disposed, he could bring an empty two liter, fill it for his own shower and then offer to dump water on salty bathing beauties in need of a rinse.
(I have a special friend who would be disappointed if I didn't include a little bit of piggish behavior.)
Well, this was a long blog and I hope you enjoyed the pictures. And if you're going to Kahalu'u, remember your empty two liter.